TAX LIENS UNLEASHED offers comprehensive information on investing in tax deed properties and tax lien certificates.
You will receive 2 ebooks, our Over-the-Counter Guide, links to county lists for purchasing liens/deeds without traveling, over 25 premium reports covering various tax lien and deed investing topics, over 30 resources for identifying upcoming tax sales (including online auctions), and more!
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Tax Deed Sales
A deed is a document that transfers ownership to a property. A tax deed is a special type of deed resulting from nonpayment of taxes. In some states, counties will foreclose on properties for nonpayment of taxes, and then sell the tax deeds at public or internet auctions.
Bidding typically begins at the amount of property taxes and penalties owed. In some states the property owner will still have time after the sale to repay the county; otherwise, the investor becomes the legal owner of the property.
Here are some states that offer tax deed investing: California, Idaho, Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Washington and Wisconsin.

Learn how to invest in tax deeds and real estate foreclosures.