TAX LIENS UNLEASHED offers comprehensive information on investing in tax deed properties and tax lien certificates, including how to participate in online tax sales.
You will receive 2 ebooks, our Over-the-Counter Guide, links to county lists for purchasing liens/deeds without traveling, over 25 premium reports covering various tax lien and deed investing topics, over 30 resources for identifying upcoming tax sales (including online auctions), and more!
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Internet Tax Sales
An Internet tax sale is an online public auction held by a county (or municipality) of tax liens or deeds. Alternatively, the county may hire a private company (e.g., Bid4Assets, Realauction, SRI-Online) to conduct the internet sale Investors place bids through the Internet using a computer and Web browser. Counties often require a pre-bid deposit in order for the person to qualify as a bidder. Many counties report increased participation and sales when they use Internet sales.
Some states in which counties are conducting online tax lien and tax deed sales include: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Nebraska, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Visit Tax Liens Unleashed site, then ask for your free gift.
Learn how to invest in tax deeds and tax lien certificates without traveling.