Tax Lien Certificates - Tax Deed Sales
in Alabama AL
Alabama is a decent state for tax lien certificate sales. Alabama conducts tax lien sales in May or June of each year. Sales are held by bidding up the minimum bid amount. The portion of the bid that exceeds the minimum bid also receives the interest up to 15 percent of the value of the property. Any amount of overbid exceeding 15 percent of the property's value does not receive interest, but the principal amount will be returned.
Here is a summary of information for tax sales:
Interest Rate
Redemption Period
3 years
Alabama tax lien certificate auctions
County tax lien sales are in May or June.
Alabama tax deed or tax foreclosure sales
Alabama also has tax foreclosure sales. After three years, if a tax lien certificate is not redeemed it automatically matures to a deed.
Bidding Process
All tax sales are by competitive bid based on the overbid amount, which effectively reduces the interest rate.
State Specific Information
Alabama is a decent tax sale state because the state has tax lien and tax deed sales.
Learn how YOU can invest in tax lien and deeds:

Alabama Tax Lien Auctions or Sales are held in May or June.
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