Tax Lien Certificates - Tax Deed Sales
in New York NY
New York is an average state for tax lien certificate sales, but New York does have excellent tax deed sales. Here is a summary of information for tax sales in New York.
Interest Rate
14% for counties that have sales, but in New York City liens are not sold to the general public.
Redemption Period
About one year, but the redemption period is complicated.
New York Tax Lien Auctions
Most county tax lien sales are in April or August.
New York Tax Deed Sales
New York also conducts tax deed sales.
Bidding Process
All tax lien auctions are by competitive bid, but some sales are not open to the general public.
State-Specific Information
New York is an average state for tax lien certificates and a good state for tax deed sales, but rules vary and some municipalities have their own sales.
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