Tax Lien Certificates - Tax Deed Sales
in Maryland MD
Maryland is a good state for tax lien certificate sales. Here is a summary of information for tax sales is Maryland:
Interest Rate
6% to 24%. Each county and/or municipality handles sales differently.
Redemption Period
Six months to two years, again because counties and municipalities have different rules.
Maryland Tax Lien Auctions
Each county has its own rules governing sales, interest rates and redemption period.
Maryland Tax Deed Sales
Maryland does not conduct formalized tax deed sales.
Bidding Process
All tax lien auctions are by competitive bid.
State-Specific Information
Maryland can be a good state for tax sales, mainly because the interest rate can be as high as 24 percent and the redemption period can be as short as six months. However, all sales rules are set separately by each county and/or municipality, and can be complicated.
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