Tax Lien Certificates
in Illinois IL
Illinois is an excellent state for tax lien certificate sales. Here is a summary of information for tax sales in Illinois:
Interest Rate
36% for full year, on farm land 24%.
Redemption Period
2 years
Illinois Tax Lien Auctions
Most county tax lien sales are in November.
Illinois Tax Deed Sales
Illinois does have tax deed sales, but they are not very common and are called scavenger sales. If enough properties are available, scavenger sales in Illinois are conducted during odd-numbered years.
Bidding Process
All auctions are by competitive bid. In most counties, you must pre-register to bid approximately 10 days in advance of the sale.
State Specific Information
Illinois is probably one of the best tax lien certificate investing states because the interest rate is high and the redemption period is short. Very populated counties have competitive sales.
Visit this resource to learn more:

Tax Lien Sales in Illinois are conducted in October, November and December.
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