Tax Lien Certificates
in Arizona AZ
Arizona is an excellent state for tax lien certificate sales. Here is a summary of information for tax sales in Arizona:
Interest Rate
Redemption Period
3 years
Arizona tax lien auctions
All county tax lien sales are in February.
Arizona tax deed sales
Arizona conducts tax deed sales through the Board of County Supervisors. Most sales are held in November and December, but a few counties have the sales in March.
Bidding Process
All auctions are by competitive bid. The tax lien bidding process occurs by bidding the interest rate down in 1% increments. The winning bidder is the lowest bidder. At a live auction you yell out your interest rate. Now that most counties are using Internet auctions for their tax lien sales, you can place a proxy bid. This means you set a minimum bid, which you are not willing to go below.
For example, you attend an online auction, do your research, screen for the liens you want to buy and then place your bids. Even though bidding starts at 16%, you may want to place a bid of 8% as your proxy bid. If the next lowest bidder set her proxy bid to 12%, you would win the bid at 11% because the computer would automatically reduce your bid by 1% increments until it was low enough to win, but not below 8%.
If another bidder, put a proxy bid in for 5%, you would lose the bid.
State Specific Information
Arizona is probably one of the most famous tax lien states because the interest rate of 16% per year is favorable and if the property goes to foreclosure, the process of obtaining the deed to the property is straightforward. After three years, the investor can obtain the property by applying to the court for a deed to the property.
Also, many counties have tax liens and full parcels of land for sale throughout the year. To get a list of all parcels that are still available after the tax lien sale, listings are available usually for a fee from the client services department at the Treasurer’s office. Also called assignment purchasing, potential buyers can send a list of the parcels they want to purchase to the Treasurer’s office and a certified check/cashier’s check/wire money transfer to purchase tax liens that were not sold at auction.
Learn how YOU can invest in tax lien and deeds:

Tax Lien Sales In Arizona are conducted in February.
Over-the-Counter liens are available shortly after the sales and throughout the rest of the year.
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