Colorado County-Held Liens
Colorado’s annual tax lien sales occur in October or November (before the second Monday in December). Colorado offers 9% plus the federal discount rate (currently 4.75 percent as of the end of 2005). Traditional sales occur in two ways: some counties conduct round robin bidding and others conduct a bid up system with no interest on the premium bids.
Parcels not bid on during the sale are struck off to the county and called “County Held Liens.”
The redemption period for liens is 3 years from the date of the original sale.
To purchase County held liens, you must pay the County the value of the certificate plus an assignment fee (approximately $4). You may have to sign an affidavit stating that you understand what you are doing. Also, you will have to provide a SSN or tax ID number by filing out a W9 form. You will fill out paperwork indicating the name you wish to appear on the certificate.
County held tax lien lists consists of tax liens not purchased by investors at the public auction. These liens are available for assignment by submitting a written request. You are advised to research, and if possible, accomplish a site inspection of any parcel(s) prior to submitting an assignment request. It is your responsibility to determine if the property you are requesting the tax lien assignment on is worth your investment.
Learn how to buy tax liens and deeds through the mail in Colorado with Rogue Investor's Super List.

The Rogue Tax Sale Superlist contains specific information and actual liens from Colorado.
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