Tax Lien Certificates Tax Deed Sales In Pennsylvania PA
Pennsylvania does not have tax lien certificate sales. However, Pennsylvania is an good state for tax deed sales. Here is a summary of information for Pennsylvania Tax Sales:
Interest Rate
Not applicable, state only has tax deed sales
Redemption Period
In most counties after the sale there is no right of redemption but in the City of Philadelphia a right of redemption may apply if the property was owner occupied 90 days prior to the sale
Pennsylvania tax lien auctions
Pennsylvania does not have tax lien certificate auctions
Pennsylvania tax deed sales
Pennsylvania a good state for tax deed sales. Sales usually occur in September. Judicial sales are in the spring
Bidding Process
All auctions are by competitive bid. If a property does not sell at auction, a private sale is held three months later and after that, if no sale occurs, then the lien is evaluated and can be removed if decided by the court
State Specific Information
Pennsylvania can be a good tax deed state because many properties can be available in some counties
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